Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Training, Wednesday, June 23

Tonight, Marilee, Andrew and I walked 4 miles along the Alpharetta Greenway! :) It was awesome and the shady trail made it a very pleasant walk! The best part... I didn't experience my usual ankle/shin pains! ;)

I'm totally ready for the BeltLine 5K this Saturday in Southwest Atlanta! ;)

Donation updates: I received two more checks today! I'm now up to $1,740! I'm soo happy and grateful to everyone for your donations! Please keep them coming! I'm now only $560 from the minimum $2,300 which will allow me to walk in October! ;) THANK YOU!

Ultimate goal is to raise a minimum of $3,300 per team member. Our team goal is $30,000. We're getting there thanks to all of you!!