Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Community Fundraising Plans

The team and I have been talking about some different fundraising ideas. One of which is a bake sale. I spoke to Publix yesterday about the possibility of sponsoring our sale and/or our team. ;) I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping HIGH! ;)

Also planning to approach Kroger and Wal-Mart to see what may come. :) I'm more than willing to park in front of one of those stores to receive donations and create breast cancer awareness! ;)

Also in planning is a bachelor/bachelorette auction. Please email me if you'd like to donate, participate in the auction or can help with this production in any way! ;) Watch out for Andrew to be auctioned for this handyman services! ;) Yep! I'm gonna pimp my man! ;) heehee It's for a good cause! ;)

Please let me know if you have a great fundraising idea. We'd love to have your input!