Sunday, June 6, 2010

Harris Jacobs 4 mile Walk/Run, Dunwoody, June 6

I completed the Harris Jacobs 4 mile Walk/Run this morning in Dunwoody. It was a good day. But I wasn't prepared for the hills I encountered! ;( Ugh.

Note to self: PRACTICE HILLS! Really! Ugh!

Finish time for the 4 mile walk was 1 hour, 17 minutes. Not bad considering the cramp in my knee and leg which stayed with me for 3 of those miles!!!

Another note to self: STRETCH!!!

Becky, Sirka and Alisha did it with me. :) Thanks ladies for ya'lls support!!!

I started out toward the back of the pack. Literally about 10 folks behind me and quickly they passed me. Most of the race, I kept up fairly well with the two ladies in front of me, but that cramp almost didn't let me finish. I just endured and kept it going! In the end, I survived and finished! WOW!!

Oh, and I forgot to mention, we parked at Becky's house and walked to and from the race! (About 1 mile to/from)!

AND... I can be proud of the fact that I've completed 20 training miles this week! Woo hoo!!!

Next race is the Beltline on June 26.

Betcha I get to practicing those hills! ;)