Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Training, Tuesday, June 1

I met Terri P, her hubby, Bill and Kathy L at Newtown Park for a training walk. We walked the outer perimeter trail (about 1 mile). Terri and Bill did great for their second training walk. They walked twice 'round. Kathy stayed with me and walked about three times 'round before she departed.

Then, a late-comer and potential NEW Force of Soles team member, Camille joined me for two more loops! We look forward to Camille joining our team soon! And rumor has it, a couple more folks will be joining us soon, too! Woo hoo!! ;)

All in all, I walked about 4-5 miles. And it felt pretty good! ;)

Next training: Thursday, June 3 at Newtown Park.