Monday, September 27, 2010

Doug Kessler Lightning 10K, Saturday, September 25

Sirka, Grace and I at the start of the Doug Kessler Lightning 10K.

The 10K (6.2 miles) started at 8 AM. It was a gorgeous, cool morning. And we were all very excited to get started. I didn't remember to weasel my way toward the front of the line so I wouldn't be so slow compared to all the runners. So, we were off! And I was already lagging... But, as usual, I kept my determination in check and was planning to finish within my two hour window or else!

For the first half of the race, I was walking with a very nice gentleman who just happened to be going that way himself. So we chatted for about 5 miles. He was a former runner enthusiast himself and enjoyed retelling all his past Peachtree Road Race stories. :) I was grateful for the company. At some point, he'd reached his turn off and went about his merry-little-way to leave me to myself to continue onward on my own.

I could BARELY still see some folks ahead of me... But I reminded myself, I'm WALKING... I'm training for 3-Day and was not training to run a marathon. So I kept my steady pace. All the while, rooting for the tortoise! (I was the tortoise!) haha

Finally, I was to about 4 miles in and beginning to feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel! Yeah! ;) That's when the police officers began asking me to stay to the sidewalks! I checked my watch thinking "there's no way I've been out here longer than 2 hours and only completed 4 miles!" Lo and behold it was only 9:15. The 10K began and 8 and the roads were posted to be closed until 10 AM. So I should be good with TIME to spare! I began to be a wee bit unhappy with the race officiants.

Within about 2 miles, I began to notice the officiants were taking up the street cones and street markers! It's only 9:30! WHAT!? First of all, there is still a participant on the course! And second, it's not 10 AM yet! Ooooo... Feel the fumes.

But I continued to press on and continued to keep my steady pace. I also as nice as I could let them know, it wasn't cool and they stopped removing cones as I passed by!

In the end, I crossed the finish line in 1 hour, 48 minutes! With more than 10 minutes to spare before the roads were to officially reopen. I was seething by this time!

I was proud of myself for keeping my usual, steady 3 mile per hour pace (perfect for 3-Day)! And very happy with my personal time.

But... I WILL NEVER participate in this race again! And the girls tell me they started the same practices with them! (Sirka finished 30 minutes ahead of me and Grace 13 minutes ahead)