Monday, September 27, 2010

Training, Sunday, September 26 – 15 MILER

Yesterday was quite the experience! I'm so proud to say, Grace and I completed 15 miles training walk today! Quite honestly, I didn't think I could do it! But yay for us!

It started out great. The weather was threatening rain, but no sign yet and according to, we had a couple of hours to walk before we needed to worry about it. So we began... We walked the Alpharetta Greenway from Rock Mill to Web Bridge and back for about 6.2+ miles.

When we return to Rock Mill, Grace wanted to break to hit Target to purchase some insoles for more support. So, we hit Target and was planning to hit the trails immediately once again.

Somehow, while in Target, the bottom decided to drop! When we came out, we were bombarded by pouring rain. Yay!

So, we ate our sandwhiches and made the decision to keep on. We'd committed our day to a 15 mile training walk. And by God, we were gonna do it! And 3-Day happens rain or shine, so it'd be a good test for our rain gear!

Turned out that was a good decision! As we began our final 8.8 mile journey (IN THE RAIN), we very quickly learned that while our rain ponchos were great, my shoes were NOT waterproof and very quickly became soggy and miserable! ;( So, we trekked onward...

The plastic is a good theory, but it moved during walking. I've read about trying baggies, so next rainy day, I'll see if those are better.

By the end of that first 3 mile leg, I was soooo miserable and had already developed a blister! Grace very graciously gave up a piece of her plastic rain cover in the hopes of keeping my feet dry for the final 5 miles. I was lucky enough to have a change of socks in my bag which really helped!

The rest of the day was very brutal! We finally made it and boy was I happy to have completed the 15 miles! My feet suffered a couple of blisters, but otherwise, they were good! My buttocks found a new source of pain, however and I worried how that was going to affect the rest of my week. (It did seem to get better the next day! WOW)

This week, I'm back to the downtown area which means, no weekday walks. :( But, next weekend should be another big training weekend!

The big day is only 4 weeks away! WOW!