Monday, September 27, 2010

Training, Sunday, September 26 – 15 MILER

Yesterday was quite the experience! I'm so proud to say, Grace and I completed 15 miles training walk today! Quite honestly, I didn't think I could do it! But yay for us!

It started out great. The weather was threatening rain, but no sign yet and according to, we had a couple of hours to walk before we needed to worry about it. So we began... We walked the Alpharetta Greenway from Rock Mill to Web Bridge and back for about 6.2+ miles.

When we return to Rock Mill, Grace wanted to break to hit Target to purchase some insoles for more support. So, we hit Target and was planning to hit the trails immediately once again.

Somehow, while in Target, the bottom decided to drop! When we came out, we were bombarded by pouring rain. Yay!

So, we ate our sandwhiches and made the decision to keep on. We'd committed our day to a 15 mile training walk. And by God, we were gonna do it! And 3-Day happens rain or shine, so it'd be a good test for our rain gear!

Turned out that was a good decision! As we began our final 8.8 mile journey (IN THE RAIN), we very quickly learned that while our rain ponchos were great, my shoes were NOT waterproof and very quickly became soggy and miserable! ;( So, we trekked onward...

The plastic is a good theory, but it moved during walking. I've read about trying baggies, so next rainy day, I'll see if those are better.

By the end of that first 3 mile leg, I was soooo miserable and had already developed a blister! Grace very graciously gave up a piece of her plastic rain cover in the hopes of keeping my feet dry for the final 5 miles. I was lucky enough to have a change of socks in my bag which really helped!

The rest of the day was very brutal! We finally made it and boy was I happy to have completed the 15 miles! My feet suffered a couple of blisters, but otherwise, they were good! My buttocks found a new source of pain, however and I worried how that was going to affect the rest of my week. (It did seem to get better the next day! WOW)

This week, I'm back to the downtown area which means, no weekday walks. :( But, next weekend should be another big training weekend!

The big day is only 4 weeks away! WOW!

Training, Saturday, September 25

So, in the morning, Grace and I walked the Doug Kessler Lightning 10K (6.2 miles), but we wanted to have a FULL 10 mile training day...

So, we came back to her neighborhood and walked around the many hills and lake and was able to complete the missing mileage to finish out the day with a total of 10 miles! ;) Yay for us!

Doug Kessler Lightning 10K, Saturday, September 25

Sirka, Grace and I at the start of the Doug Kessler Lightning 10K.

The 10K (6.2 miles) started at 8 AM. It was a gorgeous, cool morning. And we were all very excited to get started. I didn't remember to weasel my way toward the front of the line so I wouldn't be so slow compared to all the runners. So, we were off! And I was already lagging... But, as usual, I kept my determination in check and was planning to finish within my two hour window or else!

For the first half of the race, I was walking with a very nice gentleman who just happened to be going that way himself. So we chatted for about 5 miles. He was a former runner enthusiast himself and enjoyed retelling all his past Peachtree Road Race stories. :) I was grateful for the company. At some point, he'd reached his turn off and went about his merry-little-way to leave me to myself to continue onward on my own.

I could BARELY still see some folks ahead of me... But I reminded myself, I'm WALKING... I'm training for 3-Day and was not training to run a marathon. So I kept my steady pace. All the while, rooting for the tortoise! (I was the tortoise!) haha

Finally, I was to about 4 miles in and beginning to feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel! Yeah! ;) That's when the police officers began asking me to stay to the sidewalks! I checked my watch thinking "there's no way I've been out here longer than 2 hours and only completed 4 miles!" Lo and behold it was only 9:15. The 10K began and 8 and the roads were posted to be closed until 10 AM. So I should be good with TIME to spare! I began to be a wee bit unhappy with the race officiants.

Within about 2 miles, I began to notice the officiants were taking up the street cones and street markers! It's only 9:30! WHAT!? First of all, there is still a participant on the course! And second, it's not 10 AM yet! Ooooo... Feel the fumes.

But I continued to press on and continued to keep my steady pace. I also as nice as I could let them know, it wasn't cool and they stopped removing cones as I passed by!

In the end, I crossed the finish line in 1 hour, 48 minutes! With more than 10 minutes to spare before the roads were to officially reopen. I was seething by this time!

I was proud of myself for keeping my usual, steady 3 mile per hour pace (perfect for 3-Day)! And very happy with my personal time.

But... I WILL NEVER participate in this race again! And the girls tell me they started the same practices with them! (Sirka finished 30 minutes ahead of me and Grace 13 minutes ahead)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Training, Tuesday, September 21

Our newest team member, Grace and I did a training walk last night. We walked 6 miles on the Alpharetta Greenway. It was a really good walk.

I'm not used to the new darkness schedule and it did get rather dark on those trails on our way back. Those last 2 miles felt endless in the dark woods.

As dusk was rapidly approaching, we came across a snake in the path. I nearly had a heart attack right there on the spot! Have no idea what kind he was. Didn't stop too ask and it was too dark to see. He was NOT there on our first pass through! Ugh. But it definately lit a fire under my toes and made me move a lot faster to get off the trail after that! ;)

Lesson learned! Bring a flashlight! And leave earlier! ;) Still a good walk!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Doug Kessler Lightning 10K, Saturday, September 25

Anyone up for a 5 or 10K this weekend?

Join me Saturday, September 25 at the Doug Kessler Lightning 10K in Sandy Springs. Hosted by the Sandy Springs Festival, 10K race starts at 8 AM. Come out and watch me walk! ;)

I'll be joined by my friend, Sirka and my teammate, Grace. ;)

We proudly WELCOME a new team member!

It's getting so close! 3-Day is only 5 weeks away! ;)

I'm soo proud to announce our team is growing still. I'd like to welcome GRACE WALLETT to our team. Grace has been steadily training and preparing on her own, but still has to begin her fundraising. So, let's work hard to pull together and help Grace reach her minimum $2300 fundraising goal! ;) GO GRACE!

Like the rest of us, this will be Grace's first year walking 3-Day. But one thing I know about Grace, SHE CAN DO IT! ;) And 5 weeks is PLENTY of time for her to reach her goals! ;) Yay Grace!

If anyone else would like to take on an incredible challenge and join our team (this year or NEXT), please contact me! I'm so excited about this year's event and really looking forward to the year ahead! ;)

The Breast Social Ever! SUCCESS!

Force of Soles hosted their first fundraising social, Saturday, September 18 @ Yates Sports Pub in Alpharetta. It truly was the BREAST SOCIAL EVER! ;) We had an awesome time.

We started the evening with karaoke by David "Songdragon" Penner! He was a HUGE hit! Everyone was singing, laughing, dancing the night away! I think some were sad his time had ended until the Dead Kegs began to play! Then, WOW, they blew everyone away with their awesome renditions of your favorite hits! The band was ON FIRE that night! ;)

I was so proud. EVERYONE was coming up to me excitedly telling me how much fun they were having and how much they were enjoying the entertainment! ;) Yay!!! I aim to please! ;)

The silent auction was great. And the RAFFLE... We wound up putting some of the items into the raffle because we realized we needed some great raffle items, too! Everyone was THRILLED. Folks were buying raffle tickets like crazy and that was fun. :) At one point, the band helped us give away and pick raffle tickets. This was entertainment in itself! ;) Great job guys! THANKS! ;)

All in all... It was awesome and we raised about $1200. We still need your donations to ensure the entire team walks, but WOW! Thanks so much for joining us and supporting us! ;) Collectively, the team has raised $13,216 for Susan G Komen! I'm so proud!!

Pictures will be posted soon...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Silent Auction Items Received So Far...

We have some awesome Silent Auction items already! 

  • 5 tix for an Atlanta City Tour from ATL Cruzers ($125 value) 
  • $50 gift certificate from Plum Social 
  • Unique Handmade Jewelry from KLH Designs 
  • $25 gift certificate from Carvel Ice Cream 
  • 2 Hours from Atlanta Property Matters, Inc., Handyman Services ($110 value) 
  • Beautiful handmade jewelry 
  • Arts and Craft items 
  • and so much more! 

Please contact me if you'd like to donate to our silent auction!

The Breast Social Ever! Saturday, September 18 @ Yates Sports Pub

Look for the event on Facebook or Evite!

Who doesn't love the boobies!?

Force of Soles and
Yates Sports Pub Proudly Present:

Social with Silent Auction Fundraiser
Saturday, September 18
To support Susan G Komen For the Cure

$10 Suggested Donation at the Door

Good times, Good food, Great drinks! DOOR PRIZES, MUSIC & MORE!

Hosted by The Force of Soles 3-Day Team
(Carrie, Sally, Charlene, Kelly, Marilee, Diane & Terri),
Doors open at 5 PM featuring
Karaoke by Songdragon


"The Dead Kegs"

If you can't attend our event, but would like to donate, please visit our website at

Silent auction items are welcome and encouraged! To donate or for more information, please contact Carrie at, (770) 664-6215 or (404) 219-0062.

We have only 7 short weeks to raise funds so we as a team can walk TOGETHER. Please help us reach our minimum fundraising goals as we walk 60 miles in 3 days for the cure!

Please INVITE ALL your FRIENDS and help SPREAD THE WORD about our EVENT!