Saturday, July 3, 2010

Busy Busy Week!

This week leading up to the Peachtree Road Race (Sunday, July 4th) has been the hairest week I can remember in a very long time! ;)

Unfortunately, I haven't had ANY training time this week. :( I'd hoped to keep up my usual 20 miles. Or at the very least, put in about 10 before the Peachtree! But it didn't happen! ;(

I am the Art Director for a small magazine in Griffin, GA called Kitchen Drawer. And, this week was production week for the July/August issue. What I hadn't figured on was everything else leading up to this week was gonna be delayed (photo shoots, writing, etc.) which made me delayed... Yeah for me! ;)

The good news? After almost a week of hard core design and production, kick-ass writing and editing from our editor/copywriter, and 48 straight hours with only 2 hours of sleep for the final production push, I managed to release the final file to the printer this morning! :) Woo hoo! As tired as I feel, I feel sooo much better now! ;) AND I'm quite proud of this issue. I have to thank my contributing designers for stepping up and cranking out their respective piece(s) for me. Some going over and above for me by doing multiple pieces! What would I do without you!? Thank you! ;)

Thanks also goes out to my donors cause now I'm at $1,845! ;) I'm getting there! ;)

Today, Saturday is our first bake sale. And have we been busy BAKING! Correction! My MOM has been busy baking! She's made nearly 48 dozen cupcakes, 8 cakes and a batch of cookies and brownies for this sale! WOW!! ;) I sure hope it pays off! ;) THANK YOU, MAMA! ;) With my schedule these past few weeks, there's NO WAY I could have pulled this sale off! ;)

Stay tuned to see how we do! ...