Sunday, April 4, 2010

First Training Day

I bought a pedometer this morning so I can officially track my training. Then, Andrew and I took the dogs to Newtown Park for my first official training day. We walked the first 1.5 miles (Andrew walking and handling both of the dogs) with me alone.

When we realized the dogs were dragging behind (I'm beginning to see a pattern here). So, we stopped at the dog park for some puppy play time. While Andrew watched them play in the park I continued on another 1.5 miles. So, in total... DAY 1 = 3 miles. :) Yeah.

The Susan G. Komen 5K is 5 weeks away and I'm already ready! In 5 weeks, the 5K will be a piece of cake!!

by Carrie Jones on Sat, Apr 03, 2010 @ 12:51 PM ET