Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dear Diary - My first blog...

Originally posted on my personal donation page at

WOW! Last week, a coworker asked if I were interested in considering walking with her in the upcoming Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 3-Day in October. Immediately, I said YES and made the decision to sign up!

As I begin to share my exciting news with family and friends, I am overwhelmed with support! ;) And I'm so grateful! The journey won't be easy, but I am ready to make the necessary changes (physically and emotionally) to begin, train and follow this journey through the very end! I'm really looking forward to the ride!

Last Thursday, I registered for the 3-Day online and immediately posted a link and made an annoucement on Facebook. Within only a few hours I received my first donations! WOW! Thank you to Henry J. and Greg H. and Bill D. for your support and encouragement. $2,500 seems like such a huge amount to raise in this crazy economy. Thank you for being my first donors!!! I was really touched by the immediate response! It was very encouraging!

Friday AM (before work), I woke up very early and took the dogs with me on my first training walk. Just around the neighborhood. The dogs were worn out before I was! haha I guess we can both use some exercise and get in shape! So, they'll be joining me on future walks for sure! ;) Today (Sunday), we had our first Pink Diamonds team meeting. It was really nice to get together for lunch with my new team to discuss the upcoming event and possible fundraising ideas.

Our team is already well on our way to reaching our combined team goal of $15,000. WOW! How cool is that! Within just a few days, we've achieved $1,100 toward our goal. Thank you Pink Diamonds Team (Neda, Team Captain, Jackie, Co-Captain, Michelle & Sally) for sharing with incredible journey with me!

by Carrie Jones on Sun, Mar 28, 2010 @ 10:32 PM ET