Sunday, October 3, 2010

Training, Sunday, October 3 – 12 miles

Today, was Day #2 of our attempt to manage two back-to-back training walks to see what it's all about and test our gear.

We walked the same loop as yesterday, twice to total 12 miles today.

What I learned today was that I NEED new insoles! I just bought these not too long ago and didn't realize how quickly I would wear them out after putting in some SERIOUS mileage! :) WOW... Now I have to buy TWO sets of these to make it through 3-Day! I'd thought I could get away with only one... But they're too critical for my endurance... WOW!

I also learned that a nasty blister can BLISTER on itself! Ewww!!! I will be purchasing a case of mole skin! I sure hope it works as well as folks claim! ;) I see some "hot spots" trying to form also... And I'll need some serious sockage! ;) I need lots of stuff, too... But it scares me to think about that tonight... And I'm sooo pooped!

Speaking of which... After walking 33 miles in the past day and a half... Surprisingly, I feel OK. I was really tired when I got home and my feet were really BARKING! Now that I've rested, overall, I feel pretty good! My buttocks are still sore, but not too bad... And my feet are "normal" again... At least they stopped barking. The blisters are another story... ;)

I was slow today which has me worried... And it took me a while to wake up and consequently speed up, but eventually I did (about the time the day ended). which was weird...

Gonna do another 20 miles next Saturday. And Sunday is the Give Back at On the Border so we can't plan a crazy, long walk anyway... ;)

All-in-all, I do feel pretty well prepared for the 3-Day... And I never really thought I ever say that! ;) Training is an extremely important step! ;)