Monday, May 31, 2010

Celebrate America 5K TODAY

Today, I joined some of my fellow teammates at the Celebrate America 5K in Alpharetta, GA. It was a cold, rainy and very wet Memorial Day today. (And my birthday!)

Force of Soles' Captain, Sally, myself and Marilee walked the 5K while Alisha ran the 10K. Marilee and I finished at 1 hour, 2 minutes, while Alisha finished her 10K at 1 hour, 15 minutes. Sally finished first among us, but I don't know her final time.

The rain certainly made it interesting. And I learned my shoes ARE NOT waterproof! ;( However, despite the rain, it was a good morning! ;)

Planning to spend the rest of today with my husband, Andrew and the "sisters" (sister-in-laws whom I adore)! ;) We won't let no rain get us down today!

Woo hoo!

AND... I ran into a neighbor who said she'll be joining our team! ;) Yippie! Force of Soles is GROWING! ;)